domingo, 30 de junio de 2013

Ciabata sandwich with white cheese

1 ciabata brown
1 tablespoon soft white cheese

3 slice of tomato
3 slice red onion
7,8 Roca leaves
2 slice mozzarella cheese
1 cups French fries
1 tablespoon tomato ketchup
½ cup coleslaw

How to make ciabata sandwich
Bake the ciabata until crispy and cut in middle long way through spread  bottom side soft cheese and  upper side tomato ketchup
Place the roca leaves and tomato and onion overlapping each other
Lastly top the mozzarella cheese and put in salamander to melt the cheese, only melt.
Take out of the salamander.
Serve it with coleslaw and French fries.

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